Grade 5 Identity Birds



I’m very happy to share with you the outcome of Grade 5’s Visual Arts project from their first Unit of Inquiry, ‘Migration’. This unit combined learning about the migration of birds with developing artwork about Identity, and also improved the students illustration skills. At the beginning of the unit, they completed visual mind-maps exploring all aspects of their identities; families, friendships, nationalities, hobbies, interests, skills and talents. The students then learned about the migration of birds through the concepts of function, causation and change. They drew the silhouette of three different birds, each representing a different period in their lives.  You will see that the first series of birds face backwards, reflecting on their identities in the past. The birds in the centre are standing still, representing their identity at the present time. The third and final birds are soaring towards the future, and are illustrated with the students’ hopes and aspirations for the future. Inside them, they have drawn things that they feel symbolise themselves, and have considered how they have responded to risks, challenges and opportunities in their lives.

Congratulations, Grade 5, on the creativity and dedication you have showed throughout this unit!



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