Arts and Expression – Grade 3

Visual Arts is integrating with the grade 3 unit of inquiry ‘Arts and Expression’.

At the beginning of the inquiry, students completed ‘expression jigsaws’. Using a jigsaw template of 9 pieces, the grade 3 classes were asked a number of different questions including ‘What is art?’, ‘Why do people make art?’, ‘How do you express yourself?’ and ‘How do you feel when you make art?’. They were given the choice between responding to the questions visually or using words. It was very interesting to see their very unique responses!

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In another lesson, grade 3A explored how we can express different emotions through mixed-media creations! They were provided with a large selection of different materials, and in groups they chose an emotion. Using the materials available to them, they created a piece of art that they felt could express that emotion clearly. Other students in the class then had to guess what emotion they were trying to communicate through art!

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Currently, the grade 3 students are working on an outdoor painted mural in which they are expressing many great things about life in SEK Qatar! Each class started by doing a large collaborative visual brainstorm, recording their many interesting ideas for the mural. As a class, we reviewed the ideas and combined them to come-up with a final mural design.

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Please take a look at the photos below to see the wonderful progress they are making!

Ms. Maire

One thought

  1. Mural is looking amazing! Cannot wait to see the finished product! Thank you for sharing!!

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