Transportation – Preschool 4


Visual Arts is integrating with the Preschool 4 unit of inquiry ‘Transportation’. We have been exploring the design of different transportation systems and creating a lot of different art, both individually and in groups.

To consolidate prior learning about 2D shape, students began this unit by creating a 2D paper collage of a piece of transport of their choice. It was great to see the students had so much knowledge of different forms of transport that travel through land, sea and sky, and clear ideas about their favourite types!

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We then made the progression to 3D shape, introducing the cylinder, sphere and cube. In Visual Arts, students participated in a shape challenge! Different modes of transport were projected onto the board, and, using 3D shapes, the students attempted to represent the vehicle they could see. This was a lot of fun, and a great introduction for the next stage of our unit!

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Following on from this activity, we began our exploration of recycled materials. Every student in preschool 4 has selected their own mode of transport and built a model of it using a combination of different 3D recycled materials. Students have been making good progress in development of their fine motor skills such as cutting and sticking using more complex materials.

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In our Visual Art sessions, students have also been combining art making with technology. They experimented with painting using the Sphero robots. The Spheros were coated in paint, and whilst driving and directing the robots, the students were also creating paintings! There was great excitement in the art room that day!

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Another collaborative activity involved creating a large 3D ship and car, which you can see on the preschool 4 bulletin board in the main school hall!

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I hope you enjoy taking a look at what has been taking place during our Preschool 4 Visual Arts lessons this unit!

Ms. Maire

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